Leonardo Bussoletti, a native of Umbria, has spent the last 25 years in the world of wine, starting out as brand ambassador for a few wineries from central Italy.
In the early 2000’s he decided to immerse full time in viticulture, having fallen in love with the native varietals of his land: Ciliegiolo di Narni and Grechetto. He believed that they had the potential for greatness and set to work to unleash their potential.
Inspired by the quality and style of the wines of Bourgogne, Leonardo’s aspiration is to make wines that represent the unique terroir of this idyllic area of southern Umbria, in the hills surrounding the magically preserved medieval town of Narni.
He started a collaboration with the University of Milan researching old clones of these varietals and mapping their historic vineyard sites. His friend Federico Curtaz, a winemaker from the Langhe, joined him in this quest for local excellence.
The winery now comprises 7 hectares of vineyards, 5 owned and 2 rented, with vines 10 to 30 years old. The average altitude of the vineyards is 300 meters above sea level. The soil is calcareous/clay. The vines are trained at spurred cordon system. The winery is certified organic.
The entire production is around 20.000 bottles.