The story starts in 1945, when Silvia Brannetti’s grandparents bought some land in the Roman countryside and made wine that was sold locally in demijohns. In 1986 Sivia’s parents bought a vineyard in the park of the Appian Way, a magical, stopped in time pedestrian only ancient road still paved with large basalt blocks, surrounded by ruins, mausoleums, tombs and statues at the doorsteps of bustling metropolitan Rome. The soil is volcanic. In 1994 they obtained the organic certification and five years later their first wine was released, IX Miglio, nine miles, which is the distance from the cellar to the center of the Capital. From 2011 Silvia is firmly at the helm of the winery, using a traditional approach to farming and winemaking helped by new technologies. She bottles with 40% less sulfites than required by the organic rules and their wines have shown in lab tests to contain 50% more antioxidants than conventional ones. The annual production hovers around 50,000 bottles.